It’s about the customers. Take some time to gather everything you know about your customers. Call your reps in for a strategy meeting, get all customer-facing staff involved in developing a profile of your customers. You probably have more information than you think you do. Answer these questions: Who are your customers? What segment, or niche do they operate in? Are those niches healthy or struggling? What do they complain about? What do they need from you? How can they benefit from dealing with you and buying your products or services?
It’s not about speeds and feeds. Ok, your press runs at a blistering 18,000 sheets per hour. And you have three of them. All 8 colours. So what? Printing well is what you do, but you must be able to communicate what this means to your customer. A wise (and very successful) printer once said: “Customers don’t buy printing, they buy what printing can do for them.” So yes, you must tell customers about your products or services, but you have to go beyond that and show clients how your offerings will benefit them personally.
Prove your claims. It’s a maxim in writing that you must show readers what you want them to understand, not tell them. This is also true in establishing your marketing platforms. Some ideas for showing or proving to customers that your have an extra edge could include the following: Get testimonials from satisfied customers, produce case studies of problems you solved for customers, showcase your work and get references. These third-party testimonials provide proof of what you claim and add credibility to your message.
Communicate on all relevant platforms. In today’s world, you have to be on as many platforms as possible. But it has to make sense for your business and your customers. Instagram, for example, works for fledgling models, but may not work for everyone. What you want to do, start with your key messages and points that you have assembled from your research and create a variety of messages – short punch tweets, ads, brochures, press releases, banner ads, blogs, landing pages, presentations, etc. – and then decide which platform each will be shared on.
Deliver a consistent message. Once you decide on your key messages and points, and how you’ll distribute them, you must make sure that everyone in the company speaks from the same sheet. Sales reps need to know that their messages to clients will be reinforced if someone calls in. Customers must hear a consistent message. If they don’t, they’ll become suspicious immediately and will likely look elsewhere.