KKP Charlottetown purchases the first GBC Foton 30 Automatic Laminator in Canada

From left are Chris Corkum from GBC Canada and James Macneil, Wide Format Specialist at KKP in Charlottetown, PEI, behind his new GBC Foton Automatic Laminator.

KKP in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, has been working with the business community of PEI for over 34 years, fulfilling all their printing and other print communications needs. Their team provides virtually everything – from design, to digital and offset printing, to large-format sign services and much more. One of their most popular applications was a repeating order for reward cards. They would purchase 38-inch laminating film that would run on a large-format laminator. Documents would be aligned 3-up which would later be trimmed by hand. This job usually took as much as two days to complete due to the tremendous amount of trimming required.
“Chris Corkum from GBC sent me a link to the GBC Foton 30 product video and I immediately thought of the laminated reward cards,” said James Macneil, Wide Format Specialist at KKP Charlottetown. “With our new GBC Foton 30, orders that usually take two days can be finished it in just over one hour!”
GBC Foton 30 Automatic Laminator.

The new GBC Foton 30 Automatic Laminator is a fully automatic desktop pouch-free laminator that feeds, laminates and trims with the touch of a button. It’s equipped with a built-in auto feeder and trimmer for fully automatic lamination and can accommodate paper documents ranging from 5″ x 6″ to 11″ x 17″. Its integrated de-skew system ensures ideal positioning of documents. Film feeds from cartridge for jam-free lamination.
Macneil went on to say that the cost of the machine would be recouped very quickly, as it barely cost more than a few rolls of 38-inch large-format film. Another huge benefit he cited was that he could drop in 30 sheets of paper and check back later as the machine continues to operate unattended – saving time that was previously spent loading, feeding or re-positioning. “Our GBC Foton 30 is so easy to use and warms up so quickly, that our walk-in requests for small lamination can now be done while the customer is waiting.”

Tony Curcio
Tony Curcio is the news editor at Graphic Arts Magazine.

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