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The 3D printing industry

3D printing has garnered extensive attention of late – touted as the coming of the next industrial revolution, able to both bring manufacturing back to North America and Europe and ignite innovation on a global scale.
Similar to what happened with the advent of the Internet, which saw everyone become an author and publisher, 3D printing hype promises to allow everyone to now become a designer and manufacturer.
Less than two years ago, 3D printing seemed to materialize into mainstream media. In 2012 Wired Editor and author Chris Anderson published an influential book Makers: The New Industrial Revolution in which the authored poised that, with 3D printing “global manufacturing can now work on any scale… from one to millions. Customization and small batches are no longer impossible – in fact they’re the future.” 3D printing will be a digital-era version of the industrial revolution, taking place today in real time, across different cultures and economies.
Google Trends shows interest in 3D printing having increased dramatically in the past two years, with no plateau yet in 2014.
3D printing was actually developed in the mid ‘80s in the US. Known as ‘additive manufacturing’, Charles W. Hull patented a process of adding material (printing) in multiple layers of liquid plastic, to create a final shape. It has since has moved from the obscure (expensive prototypes) into the mainstream. This is due, in part, to the recent wide availability of low cost 3D printers, driven by competition in the marketplace, as some of the original 3D patents expired.
Mainstream media stories pop up on an almost weekly basis with stories about the 3D revolution, and its ability to change our world (“The disruptive power of 3D printing” (, “Is You Skull Pressing On Your Brain? Print A New Skull” (UMC Utrecht). However despite the ‘magical aura’ around it, is 3D printing truly on its way to being a mature technology?
Gartner Consulting ( have developed their successful ‘Hype Cycle’ model, to better predict what happens to new technologies in the market. A hype cycle starts with a kickoff, followed by a sharp rise in interest, which is then followed by a dramatic drop off. This is in turn is followed by a gradual increase in actual use, as companies and people truly figure out how to use the technology, and ultimately it reaches a ’plateau of productivity’. Not all technologies make it through the full cycle.
In 2013’s Hype Cycle, Gartner put consumer 3D printing as approaching the very peak of ‘inflated expectations’. Enterprise 3D printing has fared much better, on the start of a rise up ‘the slope of enlightenment’ towards productive use.
However with established productivity estimated to be at least five years away, early adopters have been figuring out what to do with 3D printing, and perhaps are about to become disillusioned with how it really works.
How it works
3D designs are created in specific software applications (such as AutoCAD). A model file is cut into linear slices, and the printer selectively and incrementally adds small amounts of material, layer by layer, one on top of another, until the piece is complete. It prints in the X and Y coordinates, and then moves the bed Z.
Generally, the process uses some kind of ‘binder’ (laser, UV electron beam, etc.) which solidifies the build material along a specific path. The material could be a plastic-type polymer, or it could be metal or ceramic.
Designs can have more complex topologies – pieces can have internal hollow channels, which are not possible with a subtractive process like machining or milling. Lighter materials can also be used.
3D technologies
There are a variety of different approaches used in 3D printing; each of the technologies is suitable for use with a different range of materials:
Optical – these systems use ultraviolet light (UV) to dry and cure liquid polymer, layer by layer, either through using a single laser, or, in more advanced systems, a multi-nozzle printhead (different materials and colours in combination).
Powder processes – these use glue deposited by inkjet, which bonds powder layers together. Other powder processes use heat (light) as a binder. With powdered metal, direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) can create objects with comparable physical properties to cast or machined pieces. These can be used for final production components, not just prototypes.
Material extrusion – in fused deposition modeling, thermoplastic is extruded. Semi liquid plastic is deposited where required. Two materials are incorporated, one for the actual model, another for support during the building process. This is the method commonly used in lower cost consumer 3D Printers.
Regardless of the technology, completed objects generally require some level of post-production, either to dissolve or remove the supporting structures used in manufacture that prevented distortion of the model (hopefully without damaging the model), or surface coating/finishing. In the case of metals and ceramics, additional finishing is usually required for strengthening handling tolerances.
It’s worth noting that industrial users are still working out how 3D printed parts can be process controlled. Many 3D printing systems do not have the real time process monitoring and feedback controls required. There is variability between printers, as well as from part to part.
Two major industry players, 3D Systems and Stratasys (whose stocks have taken investors on quite a ride in past 18 months), started out by supplying industrial solutions and have branched out into the consumer market.
3D Systems offers enterprises their Projet printers (plastic), iPro and ProX for other materials. Their ‘Cube’ home 3D printer is sold through Staples business stores for US$1,299, and they’ve also partnered with Canon, in Japan.
Stratasys ( offers two lines of 3D printers, ‘Design’ and “Production’ for industrial use, as well as their ‘Idea’ series for ‘prosumers’.
Enterprise 3D Printers run from approx $20,000 to six figures, depending on size and technologies used.
3D Systems Corp and Stratasys use proprietary materials that only work with their printers, and have done a good job in selling the high-margin consumables.
On the other end of the spectrum is RepRap (Replicating Rapid-prototyper,, a community-driven initiative from Relative Design that supports accessible, open source, development of 3D printers.
Described as self-replicating machines, the goal is social benefit (use a RepRap to produce another RepRap, and so forth, until everyone who needs one, has one). Continuing with the biological construct, the models ‘evolve’ over time, starting with their original ‘Darwin’ printer and now include over 20 different models. Their popular Prusa Mendel Kit can be built for approx $CDN600 (
Makerbot is another leader of the consumer 3D printer revolution. Their Replicator line includes base models at US$1,350, to US$2,500 for ‘double extruder’ enabled modes (two types of material in one pass). Very popular with the home and education market, they support a thriving online community to share designs and knowledge. Stratasys bought Makerbot for approximately US$400 million in 2013.
Some consumer printers (Makerbot) also use proprietary filaments. In general consumer 3D printers are following the inkjet trend whereby the consumables are much higher than the cost of their materials would seem to indicate. The ‘razor and blades’ approach is significant, according to published reports from Zach Kaplan, the CEO of ‘Inventables’ (an online store which supplies 3D printers and supplies) the difference between plastic welding filament and the cost of plastic pellets made of the identical material is “like a 10x difference,” while others put this number as high as 100x.
Traditional inkjet printer industry players are working to get involved, with HP expected to make a major announcement by fall 2014.
The 3D printing workflow requires a ‘toolchain’ of different software required to create and print a model. Once completed, a design file is exported to a STereoLithography (STL) file (the most common file format used for transferring 3D projects). Next, it is run through ‘slice’ and ‘fixup’ stages, and finally through a print driver for output. The plethora of often-incompatible software options and files formats available at each stage represents a significant challenge to the mass-market adoption of 3D printing. This is starting to be addressed, however, witness Adobe’s recent support for 3D in Illustrator and Photoshop.
There are two general types of software tools used to create models to be rendered on a 3D printer: computer aided design (CAD) tools and computer aided manufacturing tools (CAM).
CAD files are referred to as ‘parametric’ files (meaning they use mathematical functions to define shapes), and are used to create detailed objects that can be updated and modified.
While leading industry pioneer Autodesk offers AutoCAD software, there is also PTC Creo, plus a wide variety of others. Free alternatives include FreeCAD and OpenSCAD.
CAM 3D software creates objects by representing their surfaces using polygons, as parts of a polygon mesh – they’re also known as polygon modelers. This software is generally more user friendly; Sketchup ( is popular, as is Autodesk Alias, and others. Web browser versions such as (very popular for staring with 3D) and are also available. Polygon mesh software tends to be used for designs where precision isn’t critical.
An STL file then is processed through the ‘slicer’, software that breaks the file into individual commands for the printer to follow; where to move, how quickly to get there, and by which path. Slicing can impact the quality of the print as it determines speed and amount of materials used.
Fixup is often, but not always, included with the slicing software. This part of the workflow is where the STL file is ‘preflighted’ before being output; the 3D image is checked for errors in the structure, and ensured that it will actually print. Files can also be ganged up for multiple outputs in one pass.
Lastly, printer driver software (firmware) is responsible for controlling and sending the instructions to the printer. It also provides a window to the settings and functions for the printer (think of a laser printer driver). Again, there are a myriad of solutions available, a concern for companies offering 3D printing as a service.
Scanners / capture
To help create a model, 3D Scanners capture data from an object using reflected infrared light, and calculated the differences in distances. This data is used to create a ‘point cloud’, a collection of ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ coordinates, which are then used to create an STL file (triangular meshes).
Other services can create an STL mesh from a series of photographs of an object, even from a smartphone (Autodesk’s 123D Catch).
Today some analysts believe “90% of the time 3D printing is being used for rapid prototyping” – economically and quickly building samples for evaluation and fit, before configuring a larger scale production run.
However other analysts estimate that “28 per cent of 3D printing investment is in final products but expect that to rise to 80 per cent by 2020.” 3D now offers the chance to manufacture without the traditional costs associated with setting up a production run. Products can be test marketed and refined more quickly. It has the potential to offer supply chain advantages – localized print on demand, even in remote areas.
The difference is driven by recent (in the last five years) improvements in the industrial output devices, which allow the creation of solid metal objects.
Gartner estimates that the total spending on 3D printers was US$412 million in 2013. This represents a year-over-year growth of over 40%. US$87 million of this was in the consumer market. For 2014 they are estimating over 60% growth, and they further expect units shipped to double in 2015.
3D is currently being used in a variety of industries:
Aerospace and Automotive
Aerospace industries have been using 3D to fabricate prototypes and components for more than twenty years, and are now exploring it in some cases for non-structural part manufacture.
Automobile lines have used 3D printing to create jigs and tools that help increase efficiencies and are easier to use.
The benefits for medical implants are straightforward: speed, economy and customization. Instead of building, shaping, and adjusting in the operating room, parts are manufactured for precision fit. Uses include hearing aids, implants, even exoskeletons. In dentistry, crowns and bridges are being fabricated.
In architecture, 3D printing is quickly replacing the models used to show designs. Large-scale 3D printers are being developed that are capable of building models to scale. Jewelry designers are able to economically offer unique customized pieces.
Shawn Peters is an Operations Manager with Xortus in Mississauga, a 3D rendering specialty house that offers 3D printing. He sees great potential for architecture, not just today, with high quality scale models that include colour and texture, but for the future as well: ‘‘3D can print large scale.” It’s possible to have a physical house printed in 3D; imagine “equipment similar to a large piece of farm equipment, starting printing a [real] house from the ground up.”
3D printers for manufacturing makes clear sense for low-volume, high-value items, such as medical implants, architecture and jewelry, where personalized and customized objects are produced.
Jessica Meneguzzi, Account Manager with Mi5 Print & Digital Communications in Toronto explained that Mi5 offers a unique 3D solution from Mcor, which uses standard bond paper to build a colour 3D model. Meneguzzi explains that the end markets are still very new, and different verticals are figuring out how to use the new offerings. Mi5 sees growth in use for architecture, packaging prototypes, and premium customized marketing collateral.
3D printing may be adding up for consumers too. Last year researchers at Michigan Tech released a much publicized study in which they determined an average US household could save anywhere from US$300 – 1,900 per year, by printing common household items.
3D Ecosystem
To help provide access to the masses for 3D technologies, universities and local libraries are offering access to training and the use of scanners and 3D printers. Organizations such as offer tutorials and webinars on how to get started.
Autodesk CEO Carl Bass has said the 3D software trend is moving towards accessibility, but not ownership. Consumers will use software services from the ‘cloud’ to design and purchase output on a 3D device, instead of investing in their own.
To that point, intermediaries such as Staples now offer 3D printing services in select locations. Dedicated service provides such as shapeways and i.materialise will take your files and ship your finished model to you.
Online communities such as thingverse (owned by Makerbot, which in turn is owned by Stratsys) and Instructables (owned by Autodesk) allow users to upload and share files and offer ways for people to connect. They’re recently branching out and offering rights managed patterns and files for sale (think of the iTunes model).
Digital Rights
Perhaps one of the biggest challenges to come with 3D is with regards to intellectual property and rights.
There are similarities to what happened in the entertainment industry: files of music, movies and TV were copied and shared. Potentially with 3D, the same will occur. If something can be scanned and reproduced, how do the patent or trademark holders protect their rights? The implications are only starting to be explored (the concept of ‘fair use’).
With the multiple 3D file sharing sites available, hosting and using the files could be considered infringement. While copyright generally doesn’t extend to everyday ‘utilitarian’ items, companies offering 3D printing services should keep in mind any potential patents protecting the original design or use of an object.
As with the entertainment industry, software developers are working on digital rights management.
Next for 3D
A high profile 3D implementation will be the collaboration between Google and 3D Systems. ‘Project Ara’ is expected to be on the market in 2015. The goal is to use 3D Systems additive manufacturing processes and technologies to mass-produce a modular (customizable) smart phone, as the project site says, “Designed exclusively for 6 billion people” ( Consumers can choose the modular options for their specific phone.
According to press releases, 3D Printing is anticipated for use in both functional (enclosures and modules) and conductive (electronics) parts. This will be done in tandem with traditional manufacturing as well.
3D Printing and the Internet of Things (IoT).
The Internet of Things is an idea where physical things are uniquely identified (for example using RFID or IP) It can also be done with software (firmware), and provided with the capability to communicate (transfer data) over the Internet, reducing the time (and errors) of having humans enter the data. Common objects today would be ‘smart’ utility meters. Gartner believes The Internet of Things is forecast to reach 26 billion installed units by 2020 (these ‘things’ do not include PCs, tablets and smartphones).
Combine this interconnectivity with 3D printing’s ability to print an increasingly wide spectrum of ‘things’ on site and on demand – connectivity (processors and transmitter / receivers) could be added for very modest costs. Consider medical implements that are 3D custom fit, they could also be ‘tagged’ and then communicate operational characteristics. This info could be used to fine tune the device and help build statistically useful data for future design modifications.
3D Reality
Looking back at the ‘Hype cycle,’ consumer early adopters have been sorting out what can be done with the new technologies, and are perhaps just hitting the point where they will start down the ‘trough of disillusionment’.
Widespread consumer adoption – a 3D printer in every home – is far away, and may never come. The price for an easy-to-use unit will need to fall below current levels, consumables will need to improve in terms of options and price, the software to design and run it will need to be simpler, and the FDM experience (heat, fumes from the polymer) is still a concern. These are all areas, however, that are being tackled in different areas of the market.
For true success, entrepreneurs and designers will also come up with better options for consumers to output, instead of just novelties.
However we can expect enterprise use to increase – patents for sophisticated techniques such as selective laser sintering (SLS) printers expired earlier this year. We should see renewed competition, and therefore lower prices, in that marketplace. Enterprise level 3D printing will continue to improve, and will have a positive impact in our lives.

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