Graphic Arts Media

Happy halloween

While I’m far too old to get away with trick-or-treating, I am still a big fan of walking around on Halloween (and the candy, but that is another story). Aside from it being nostalgic, it is interesting to see how people decorate their homes and businesses. Over the years, I’ve noticed a strong trend in door decoration that is a great plus for our industry – full door decals. You can make your door look like it’s covered in slime or the entryway to a dungeon. If you pause and think about this for a moment, while it’s a simple small item, it does showcase one important aspect of our industry. Print is accessible and the new technology in printing is also becoming accessible to the public at a very fast pace. It’s one thing to print something neat, but another to make it affordable enough for an everyday consumer to buy. That is one of the reasons I love print — it’s tactile and everyone can have some!

In this issue, John Zarwan takes us through other places you may discover print. More specifically, his article “Digital: what will it print on next?” discusses the many options for digital. John talks to a number of specialty printers who have really pushed the envelope on the answer to this question — from substrates like leather and glass to doors themselves! He takes us through some of the technologies and substrates to go along with them. And, of course, it wouldn’t be John if he didn’t also chat with some industry pros to get their perspectives!

I also hope you enjoy my article about sales management titled “Sales and management: effective practices for today.” The article is meant to help you identify great potential salespeople, manage them effectively and improve sales volumes. I’m not the only one who discusses sales in this issue. We have in store for you a review of Print 09 — where our team was wowed by the vibrancy or our industry. The review includes hot new releases from many must-see exhibitors. If you missed the show, it’s a great way to get up to speed.

Diana Brown also sheds some perspective on people’s loyalty to the industry in this month’s My Customer Asked Me, with the controversial answer to “If you started over, would you choose printing again?” Finally, alongside our regular contributors, we have our newest monthly column For the record by Kristen Read. This month, Kristen had the privilege of chatting with Heidelberg Canada’s president, Richard Armstrong. I wish Kristen had asked him how he decorates for Halloween!

Wishing you a good read, a tasty turkey and lots of candy this October!

Natalia Gilewicz