Sustaining a sustainable business

As we head toward spring, we hope you enjoy our yearly “green” issue of GAM. As the tradition for the yearly issue continues, it also evolves. This year, Gail Nickel-Kailing guides you to a better-rounded interpretation of “green” and explains how to be more sustainable. There are different types of sustainability: economic, environmental and social, to name a few. Sustainability is a concept that is a critical part of every business. To be successfully sustainable means to have longevity, to offer quality products at a profit, while improving the community and not harming the environment. That is a long and challenging list of goals. Gail focuses on the environmental aspects of becoming sustainable, urging you to move beyond just compliance.

The issue features some great interviews and information about companies like Hemlock and Metrolabel, who have made sustainability a part of their core business. We know that creating opportunities that are both environmentally friendly and sustainable is a big challenge.

Recently, I heard Matthew Alexander, the president and CEO of Colour Innovations, speak about innovation and sustainability. As one of three keynote speakers at this year’s GCM Colloquium entitled Envision (more details in this issue), Alexander shared his company’s experience moving forward toward SGP certification (discussed further in Gail’s article). While some investments in environmentally-responsible practices yield immediate returns, such as blanket wash recycling system, others, like setting aside human resources for reporting, are not directly beneficial to the bottom line, he explained. In such cases, it can become a balance between investments that will pay back quickly and those that will take some more time. The key is that the consumers need to demand an environmentally-conscious product, as well as be willing to pay for it. Alexander believes that in addition to the fact that the next generation of your printers is going to be more sensitive to environmental impacts, currently, shareholders of large corporations are also pushing for change. This is why they are continuing to innovate in being greener and attain further certification at Colour Innovations.

When making business decisions, there are always pros and cons in every choice. At the end of the day, however, it is important to do what’s right. Making sure that your company’s choices are earth friendly will mean just that. Moreover, it will better position your company for the very shift in customer preferences and beliefs that Alexander describes. We hope that you will find at least a few helpful ways toward sustainable business. A big congratulations to Graphic Communication Management third year students at Ryerson for a highly successful colloquium event!

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