Ten commercial printers in Europe have been or will soon be equipped with IDCm – InlineDensity Control motorized (IDCm) from manroland Web Systems. The system, developed by manroland and grapho metronic (Munich), is for narrow 16-page or 32-page commercial printing systems from the Rotoman and Lithoman series. IDCm is also a viable solution for third-party systems. The ink measuring technology and its retrofitting success involve three main benefits, according to Günter Braun from manroland Web Systems: “An optimal manning of the machine, quality assurance and quality documentation – and as a result, reduced waste. Printing systems with the latest in cutting-edge technology enable printers to have a competitive edge in the market. Regarding IDCm, the decisive factor is the plan-ability of the investment and the ROI. We’re in a position to calculate the savings on working hours and the production profits which would come about as a result of the switch-over to an automated ink measurement system from the existing manual system, in advance.” He added that most customers who capitalize on a retrofit of an older machine with IDCm are equipping themselves with an inline ink measurement system for the first time. Or, they’re replacing an older, discontinued system.
IDCm or IDC?