Graphic Arts Media

Facebook to help publishers monetize articles

facebookmonetize-inFacebook has released new options around its Instant Articles that lets publishers monetize their content. For those that use a direct-sold advertising business, they can now utilize larger and more flexible ad units with an aspect ratio of up to 2:3 – meaning that existing ad campaigns could be recycled into this medium. Additionally, for those publishers leveraging the Facebook Audience Network, the social networking company rolled out its video and carousel ad formats for iOS and Android.
Currently, publishers can monetize their work through direct-sold ads, Facebook’s Audience Network or branded content. The news addresses the first two options. For those leveraging direct-sold ad campaigns, now advertisers can reuse their content, which could not only help save money, but streamline the creative files so the same experience can be had across all properties. For those utilizing Facebook’s Audience Network, they now have two new ad formats to choose from – video and carousel – both of which have been available on other Facebook properties for some time.