GMG releases OpenColor 2.4 that adds digital press profiling

Colour management specialist GMG (Tuebingen, Germany) has released OpenColor 2.4 that extends the software’s capabilities to the profiling of digital printing presses. GMG added that digital printing is becoming increasingly important, especially in the packaging industry. “The reasons for this are shorter product cycles as well as the ongoing trend of personalized print products,” the company added. “In general, the desire for more flexibility in print production is an industry-wide trend. So in order to avoid varying results in digital printing, particularly when reproducing brand colours and spot colours, efficient colour management and accurate profiling are essential. And while spot colours can be mixed in conventional printing, with digital printing every colour is created with a fixed colour set – either with CMYK or, in the multicolour range, with up to seven colours (i.e. CMYK plus orange, green and violet).”
Peter Schoeffler, Product Manager at GMG, explained: “GMG OpenColor creates both proof and separation profiles for digital printing. Our solution ensures maximum flexibility and enables a seamless exchange between conventional printing machines and digital presses. A key here is the precise spot-colour reproduction for digital printing – for example Pantone colours. Our profiling technology was clearly superior in various studies and comparative tests, most recently at Toronto’s Ryerson University and Fogra.”
In addition to digital press profiling, GMG OpenColor 2.4 also offers other innovations. The X-Rite measuring device i1Pro 3 and the third-generation scanning table i1iO are now supported in small aperture sizes, so that test charts and patches can be measured with these new devices.
The GMG OpenColor RemoteClient is also new, enabling flexible access via web browsers. An administrator can now check from any computer on the network, whether a spot colour print job can be reproduced accurately on a digital press. It’s easily determined how many colours are required to reproduce the job, and print costs can be calculated on the spot. All prepress operators have to do is copy the colour values from the separation table into the DTP application, such as ArtPro or Adobe Creative Suite. This option provides pre-press with the best possible reproduction of spot colours – without incremental adjustments and numerous proof cycles. With new industry-standard characterizations, additional test charts and the spot-colour databases HKS K and HKS N, the new version of GMG OpenColor presents “an impressive overall package,” originators added.

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