Reclameland breaks printing record with Landa Nonographic Press

The Landa S10P Nanographic Printing Press at Reclameland established a record by printing 1.3 million flats in March

Never before, in recent record, were so many sheets of paper printed double-sided by a digital press in one month than in Groningen, The Netherlands. The fastest growing online printer in the Netherlands, Reclameland, succeeded in setting this new record in March of 2022 as its Landa S10P Nanographic Press printed over 600,000 sheets of paper, which works out to no fewer than 1.3 million flats (single sides of paper). By comparison, an average month sees about 400,000 printed sheets rolling out of the most sophisticated presses. During the 31 days of March, the Landa press completed about 3,500 jobs. These orders were printed on more than 17 different types of paper, 75% of which were coated paper. By operating at a ‘hyperspeed’ of 6,500 sheets per hour, the Landa press made it possible for Reclameland to successfully handle the peak volumes it encountered in March, caused in part by the many orders for printed election materials in the region.

CEO Wouter Haan added: “We were the first in the Netherlands with a Landa press, and there were only two comparable machines in all of Europe at the time. The recent resurgence in the market meant that Reclameland finally had an excellent opportunity to test the full potential of its newest digital press. In its first month of operation, the press printed around 3,250 sheets per hour, but as the machine regularly updates itself, the printing speed also continually increases. Over the last few weeks, we increased our use of the Landa S10P in stages. Our goal was to print one million sheet sides in one month, but the press easily surpassed all our expectations. During the second week of March, we experienced a bit of downtime, so we expect to be able to set a new record in the near future. The Landa is not only super fast, the print quality is also very high. All in all, it’s great news for our clients.”

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