Graphic Arts Media

Weekly Publisher’s Update

GAM Publisher Joe Mulcahy.


Publisher, Graphic Arts Magazine (GAM)

As we all self-quarantine, and do the best we can to remain upbeat under “the new normal”, I’ll continue to point out many positive developments each week regarding COVID-19, as well as other industry news and events.
The Digital Imaging Association (DIA) will be holding its second free online webinar for 2020 on Wednesday, May 20, from 12:30 pm to 2 pm EST. The organization will bring together a panel of experts to answer your questions. COVID-19: What You Need to Know as an Employer or Employee will guide you through the legalities, financial impact and personnel issues of the current pandemic to help you better understand how we can manage our businesses through these unprecedented times. Click here for our website coverage and a link to participate:

The June digital issue of Graphic Arts Magazine is now available.

• On page 8 of our May digital issue (, Richard Kouwenhoven, President and COO of Hemlock Printers and the current Chair of the Canadian Printing Industries Association (CPIA), outlines three compelling reasons why the printing industry in Canada absolutely needs a National Association. Plus, Alec Couckuyt’s lead feature examines the impact of COVID-19 on the printing industry, how shops are stepping up to the plate to help their communities, and how the crisis might affect digital printing trends in the future.
• In another positive development, the federal government has extend its 75% Emergency Wage Subsidy 12 more weeks – from June 6 to the end of August. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau intention was to encourage more employers to re-hire staff and “help kick-start” Canada’s gradual economic recovery. The subsidy is on the first $58,700 of an employee’s salary, providing up to $847 per week per employee.
• Finally, I’m very excited to say that we’re in the final stages of putting together our new Editorial Board and will introduce its members to you in the very near future.
Until next week, stay positive, stay focused and stay safe. Be well – and be well informed.