Konica Minolta launches its IP Pro Portal

Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A. has created a new portal for its Industrial Print (IP) customers. The IP Pro Portal is designed to help its IP customers access pertinent information and discover new ideas for marketing, growth applications and opportunities to increase profits. Intended to provide an environment for business transformation while building a community of profitable businesses through education, networking and shared experiences, the portal includes:

• A forum where customers can ask questions and get answers through a network of other Konica Minolta IP users

• A marketing repository where customers can access everything from sample files to marketing videos and tools, and from presentations to new growth applications and proven case studies

• Technical resources that provide operators with help to be the most efficient and productive while running and servicing their presses

• A cloud-based, ink-estimating tool for Konica Minolta’s AccurioJet KM-1e LED UV inkjet press and AccurioLabel 230 toner-based production label press

Bill Troxil

Content on the IP Pro Portal will be updated regularly to give Konica Minolta’s IP customers the most up-to-date information and ideas to help them increase their profitability. “This new IP Pro Portal is another example of our commitment to partnership with our customers, with the most up-to-date resources for success through our entire line of industrial print products, said Bill Troxil, Senior Vice President of Industrial and Production Print at Konica Minolta U.S.A. “We are committed to helping our customers grow, be more profitable and more productive.” Konica Minolta’s IP customers will receive enrolment information via email to access the portal.

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