Graphic Arts Media

Xitron installs 5,000th Screen CTP Interface

The Xitron “Blue Box.”

Xitron (Ann Arbor, Michigan), a leading independent developer of Harlequin RIP and workflow products for commercial, flexo, digital and high-speed inkjet printing, has now surpassed the 5,000-unit mark for its Screen “Blue Box.” The interface is designed to allow virtually any RIP or workflow to drive PlateRite computer-to-plate (CTP) systems manufactured by Screen Graphic Solutions. “This milestone is representative of Xitron’s on-going efforts to lead the printing industry in prepress independence,” the company added. Through its extensive dealer network, Xitron has sold over 35,000 Harlequin RIPs, driving CTP devices from Screen, Agfa, Fujifilm, Kodak, Presstek (MarkAndy) and Heidelberg, among other OEMs. Xitron’s Screen USB interface is estimated to be driving more than a quarter of Screen’s PlateRite (PT-R) engines in production worldwide, either through a Navigator RIP, or a Raster Blaster TIFF catcher when other workflows are in use. In the case of number 5,000, American Graphics in Lake Havasu City, Arizona replaced their aging Rampage system with a Xitron Navigator Elite workflow, directly driving the Screen PT-R.
Karen Crews.

“There’s no question that the Screen CTP line has proven itself to our customer base over the last few years,” said Karen Crews, President of Xitron. “Existing users tend to keep their Screen PT-Rs for a long time. Discovering they can upgrade to more productive, flexible, and economical workflow choices, without having to buy a new CTP engine, makes them very happy. Similarly, other customers are excited to learn that, through Xitron Raster Blaster technology, they can keep their existing workflows and buy new or used Screen engines for reliable plate output,” she added.
Xitron drives all Screen thermal CTP engines that use a PIF, S-PIF, or F-PIF connector to supply raster data to the imager. This includes models re-branded as Acento and Avalon with Agfa, as well as all the Fujifilm-branded Luxel T-Series Imagers. Options are also available for driving engines using the Gigabit Ethernet interface – either through the EP-B101 Converter Box developed by Screen – or connecting directly to the imager if so equipped. “It’s vitally important for Screen PT-R owners to know that choices are available when it comes time to consider capital purchases,” Crews added. “It doesn’t matter if the PlateRite Platesetter is 20 years old or is being considered for a new purchase. Established and proven Xitron products can drive it.”