A loud round of applause to Chris Price and Graphics of the Americas for putting on an exciting show in Miami in February. Graphics of the Americas is one of the largest international trade shows for the printing, converting and design trade industry, with participation from over 450 companies occupying more than a half million square feet of exhibition space.
I was speaking to one of our clients recently and he made a simple statement about his business attitude, “Competing on price always results in loses. Delivering value, integrity and meaningful customer service always results in gains.” It’s hard to argue against such a simple business philosophy!
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As an Irishman, I’d like to wish you a “Happy St. Patrick’s Day” and go easy on the green beer!
Until next time,
“May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back
and may God hold you in the palm of His hand
and may the luck of the Irish be with you throughout the year.
As always stay positive.