EFI Reggiani introduces Blaze Digital Scanning Printer for textiles

EFI Reggiani Blaze Digital Textile Scanning Printer

EFI Reggiani’s new industrial entry-level EFI Reggiani Blaze Digital Textile Scanning Printer made its debut at the ITMA Asia tradeshow June 12-16 in Shanghai, China. The high-quality digital textile printer is an easy-to-use smart solution to help textile companies “blaze” their successful trail into the world of efficient and sustainable industrial inkjet printing, said the OEM. The compact new 1.8-metre-wide printer offers low-maintenance, a continuous recirculation ink system equipped with a level sensor and degassing, as well as a printhead crash protective system for longer printhead life and reduced downtime. With a competitive TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), the Blaze can produce up to 125 linear metres per hour with a resolution up to 600 x 1200 dpi. It delivers excellent productivity as “one of the fastest digital inkjet solutions in its class,” has eight 300-dpi dual-channel printheads, and can print up to 8 colours with full variable drop size.

Flexible fabric feeding and handling

The Blaze is equipped with a continuous and switchable belt-washing unit to remove water and fabric hairs. An embedded device for adhesive application offers the possibility of using thermoplastic, resin and permanent adhesives. The printer also includes other features for enhanced productivity and value, including a 400-mm roll unwinder, expandable shafts, an air gun and a pneumatic bar for standard fabrics. The Blaze also has a friendly and intuitive user interface with real-time image processing and flexible queue management. The software also runs a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) job editor, and includes tools to accurately predict printing speed and ink usage.

Adele Genoni

“Despite the impact of the pandemic, EFI Reggiani has continued to invest and develop the next trailblazing technology for the textile market,” said EFI Reggiani Senior Vice President and General Manager Adele Genoni. “Our customers are our number one priority. With the EFI Reggiani Blaze, we are able to offer an ideal solution for companies that want to enter the industrial textile digital printing space. We are excited to be able to offer such a solution and look forward to embarking on this journey with our customers.”

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