Joint effort between CPEIA and PAC connects both sides of Printable Electronics supply chain

cpeiaintellipak-inThe Canadian Printable Electronics (PE) Industry Association (Ottawa) has formed the IntelliPACK Leadership Council, in partnership with PAC, Packaging Consortium, to speed the adoption of new intelligent packaging products and applications. The joint IntelliPACK program was launched last September to drive the development and adoption of intelligent packaging enabled with printable, flexible or organic electronics (PE). The new Leadership Council will provide strategic direction and momentum to IntelliPACK’s mandate. Its Executive Committee is composed of senior industry leaders, drawn equally from among CPEIA and PAC Members, to represent the full breadth of the intelligent packaging supply chain. Organizations represented on the Leadership Council include Atlantic Packaging, the CPEIA, DuPont, Jones Packaging, Molson Coors Brewing Co., National Research Centre of Canada, PAC, Printability and Graphic Communications Institute, Sun Chemical Corp., Unilever and Xerox Research Centre of Canada.

Peter Kallai.
Peter Kallai.

“PE is a crucial enabling technology to turn packaging into an intelligent sensing and communication platform, to help brands engage consumers at the point of sale, or gather key logistical data on their products as they move through the supply chain,” said Peter Kallai, President and CEO of the CPEIA. “Only PE can address the packaging industry’s need for low-cost, low-power and disposable intelligent packaging options that can be easily added on the production line.”
Intelligent packaging has a range of applications, from managing inventory and product freshness, to tracking medication usage, protecting against product counterfeiting and tampering, and serving as an interactive marketing platform.
James Downham.
James Downham.

“Adding intelligence to everyday products through packaging benefits the entire industry ecosystem – from design and manufacturing through to recycling and waste diversion,” said James Downham, President and CEO of PAC. “We’re integrating both sides of the supply chain in a way that’s never been done before, to educate the marketplace about the value of enabling intelligent packaging with PE and to provide the leadership and support necessary to bring these solutions market.”
The new council will meet monthly to organize project committees and seminars, provide assistance in connection with education programs, and monitor government initiatives in respect of the intelligent packaging industry – all with the goal of bringing to market new products and applications that serve real industry needs.

Tony Curcio
Tony Curcio is the news editor at Graphic Arts Magazine.

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