Roland DGA launches CAMM-1 GR2 Series of large-format Vinyl Cutters

Roland CAMM-1 GR2-640 Large-Format Vinyl Cutter

Roland DGA (Irvine, California), a leading provider of large-format inkjet printers, printer/cutters, and other advanced digital devices, has announced the addition of the new 64” GR2-640 and 54” GR2-540 large-format vinyl cutters to the OEM’s Roland DG CAMM-1 series. These next-generation machines are capable of “cutting almost any shape quickly and cleanly from a broad range of materials – including everything from thin automotive films and heat transfer sheets to thick reflective sheets and sandblast masks. This makes the GR2-640 and GR2-540 ideal for applications such as signs, decals, window film, vehicle wraps, sports apparel, and more,” Roland pointed out.

The new GR2 Series of cutters, which are designed to integrate seamlessly with Roland DG’s large-format inkjet printers, offer superior cutting versatility and accuracy, plus unmatched reliability at affordable pricing, said the company. With a top cutting speed of 60.1” (1,530 mm) per second and a maximum down-force of 600 gf, the GR2-640 and GR2-540 provide the precision cutting quality and high-volume productivity required by professional users. GR2 series cutters combine with Roland DG’s large-format inkjets using the identical VersaWorks 6 RIP software for seamless Print-Then-Cut production. Contour lines can be added and crop marks generated automatically to imported printing data from VersaWorks 6, ensuring that the outlines of graphics are cut accurately and eliminating the need to switch back from graphics software like Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW to complete production. An included multi-crop mark function allows for more precise contour cutting of large quantities of printed material. Roland DG AAS II plug-in software allows for easy pairing with other large-format printers.

Daniel Valade

“The new GR2 series cutters are uniquely designed to work hand-in-glove with Roland DG printers, making it easier and faster than ever to contour cut the stunning graphics that come off our inkjets” said Daniel Valade, Roland DGA Product Manager of Digital Print. “In addition to maximizing productivity, these versatile devices can precision cut an incredibly wide variety of materials, expanding the creative opportunities for users.”

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