Print Drives America Foundation to host information session and press conference at Printing United

As part of the Printing Industries Alliance, the not-for-profit Print Drives America Foundation will roll out its latest campaign of ads, posters and mailing pieces, while showing both exhibitors and attendees how they can support their customers and increase their sales. “All attendees will learn some very positive things about print that will both surprise and delight them,” said the organization. The information session and press conference will be held during the Printing United tradeshow October 23-25 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas on Thursday, September 24, 2019 from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm in Room D 220. All exhibitors, printers and editors are invited to attend.

Marty Maloney.

Print Drives America is a leading advocate of the printing industry across the United States. Its overall mission is to give print a stronger voice, increase its market share, improve print’s public perception, strengthen its high-tech image, better define print’s efficiency and ROI, demonstrate how print can be supported by other media (and vice-versa), remind users that print is ‘green’ compared to other forms of communication, and advocate that print is still larger than all other media combined. Print Drives America focuses primarily on increasing print’s market share and printer profitability. The Print Drives America Foundation and its Executive Director Marty Maloney, presents print as a media – not just as a manufacturing activity. This unique way of treating print allows it to be measured favourably against media that it competes with, such as broadcast and news. Maloney has conducted decades of research that proves that the multiple platforms of print dwarf all other media – by far.
Tim Freeman.

“We’re very pleased with the rapid acceptance of the Print Drives America initiative,” said Tim Freeman, President of the Printing Industries Alliance. “We need to give print a stronger voice to communicate print’s attractive features that create a strong consumer preference for print, to demonstrate its amazing ROI, and to advance print’s leadership position. We’ll make print attractive to all, erase the misinformation about print, and greatly enhance print’s positive perception. Print today is an increasingly high-tech industry that produces collateral materials, magazines, books, direct mail, newspapers, catalogues, labels, packaging, out-of-home media, signage and scores of other print categories. Print in the aggregate makes print the largest communications media of all. Our initial goal will be to increase the perception of print, as well as to meaningfully increase print’s market share,” he added. For more information please visit

Tony Curcio
Tony Curcio is the news editor at Graphic Arts Magazine.

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