Michael Steele and Dylan Westgate, partners in Canadian print finishing leader Sydney Stone, have announced the company’s premiere Print Finishing Enhancement Open House Wednesday and Thursday, September 20 and 21. The event will take place on both days from 9 am to 5 pm at the Sydney Stone head office located at 6338 Viscount Road in Mississauga, Ontario. “This is a not-to-be-missed event,” said Steele. “We’ll be featuring live demonstrations of the latest print-finishing enhancement equipment including Spot UV/Lamination and Spot Foil. Factory representatives will also be in attendance to answer any and all questions.” Westgate added: “This open house is for the small print shop owner, the large commercial printer and everyone in between. The key benefit to be expected is the discovery of several ways to enhance profits.”
Those who register in advance will be entered into a daily prize draw. To register, please e-mail sales@printfinishing.com or call (905) 673-6906. Be sure to include your name, company, e-mall address and attending date.
Sydney Stone, founded in 1951 and under current ownership since 2008, has grown to become one of the premier Canadian distributors of print-finishing equipment, supplies, services and technical expertise to clients worldwide. The company imports and represents brands such as Morgana, MOHR, EBA, Vivid, Watkiss and Duplo, to name a few, with a focus on the short-run and medium-run printing market.