Agfa introduces InterioJet water-based inkjet printing system for interior decoration

Agfa’s new InterioJet 3300.

Agfa (Mortsel, Belgium) has unveiled its new InterioJet 3300 – a multi-pass, water-based inkjet system for printing on decor paper used for interior decoration – such as laminate floors and furniture. The new system yields brilliant and consistent print quality and enables the creation of customized interior decorations, including brand logos, pictures or seasonal themes. InterioJet technology is built upon the same inkjet printing platform as Agfa’s award-winning, heavy-duty Jeti Tauro LED UV Press for sign and display printing applications. It also delivers the same printing reliability – but now with printheads, inks and a drying system optimized for water-based pigment inks.
Tom Cloots.

“The InterioJet 3300 will accelerate the transformation from analogue (gravure) to digital printing in the laminated surface market,” said Tom Cloots, Director of Industrial Inkjet at Agfa. “It’s the ideal, cost-efficient solution for medium and short production runs. “Its limited start-up time and high flexibility will enable suppliers of laminated surfaces to gain new business by responding to evolving market demands, including printing on demand and just-in-time delivery. The system allows interior decoration designers to let their creativity run free and create customized designs for every order.”
The InterioJet can print on two rolls at a time – each with a width of up to 155 cm and a weight of up to 600 kg – at a speed of up to 340 m² per hour. It achieves “brilliant and consistent print quality throughout, as well as across print orders. It excels through its superior contrast, sharpness and colour saturation, matching typical decorative industry colour profiles,” said the OEM. Incorporating Agfa’s signature thin-ink-layer technology, the InterioJet features low ink consumption that reduces overall production costs. It can also be combined “effortlessly” with various impregnation and lamination processes.
The InterioJet is driven by Agfa’s proven Asanti workflow software, which adds to the system’s performance by controlling, simplifying and automating the entire printing process – from prepress to finishing. “Asanti’s comprehensive integration of file handling, colour management and pre-flighting, guarantees smooth, error-free jobs,” said Agfa. For advanced workflow and colour management integration, to the creative and reproduction processes, as well as cross-colour management with analogue printing processes, Asanti is fully compatible with the latest AVA CAD CAM products. In accordance with Agfa’s matched components’ approach (which ensures the accurate alignment of printing systems, workflow software and inks), Agfa developed dedicated water-based pigment inks for the InterioJet. These eco-friendly inks are both light fast and water fast, and use specific pigments that deliver a high colour coverage. They’ve also aproven to be an ideal fit for standard lamination production processes. Plus, because of their thin dried layer, they can be also be used to print on wood and on natural stone designs (such as marble) without any surface relief. Agfa Canada is located in Mississauga, Ontario.

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